Prospelasis: Exemplary methodology for the improvement of accessibility of archaeological monuments and sites of Thessaloniki, Greece


PROSPELASIS OBJECTIVES: To apply a systematic approach in facing the accessibility problem of monuments in its totality. To develop a methodology for the evaluation of accessibility of archaeological sites and monuments and to apply it in selected areas. To evaluate the existing situation by applying appropriate tools. To examine existing solutions offered in the market and in the Literature. To conclude interventions of accessibility improvement in selected important for the world history archaeological sites under the responsibility of the Ephorate of Byzantine Antiquities of Thessaloniki such as Rot nda, ia Sofia, Eptapyrgion (seven towers castle) etc. The "exemplary methodology" which will be developed together with the handbooks-tools and the exemplary interventions examples may function as catalysts for shaping a new strategy of interventions for the improvement of monuments accessibility. To identify roles and responsibilities of all the involved actors and support them via appropriate actions. To train involved people and bodies in behavioral issues in relation to people with disabilities. For more information on results of the project, visit